Gypsy Vanner Stallion Cobalt Just for fun

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What color is he again? That’s the question we get most often…no he is not white! He is genetically Black!!! He was tested by UC Davis and is homozygous, so all foals will be Black and White (either much desired Blagdons or Tobiano) or Black. His color is officially called “Maximum Sabino or Blue Sabino”.

Equine Insurance

Equine Insurance is often thought to be costly and for top dollar show horses or million dollar racers, however the reality is, the right insurance policy is affordable, necessary and not only will protect your monetary investment but your emotional investment as well. Equine Theft/Mortality Insurance is designed to cover the loss of your equine

Our Horses

Here at Old Mill Farm, we have on any given day at least 25 horses, among other animals. A majority of those are Gypsy Vanners and Drum Horses. Below you can find our own personal stock in which we have selected to reproduce the breed. Each horse was chosen for a different reason, but they

Stallion Collection

For the stallion owner who wishes to breed outside mares, across the country, shipped semen (cooled fresh semen) can be the answer. This not only opens the possibility for more business for the horse owner, but may also be the answer for the stallion owner who does not wish to risk the valuable stallion by


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OMF Bred Gypsy Horse Colt Joaquin (pronounced wahkeen) This little guy is out of our Gypsy Vanner/Cob stallion Slainte and Gypsy Vanner/Cob mare Bonny Pictures were taken at a few days old. Congratulations to the Forfia Family in Texas on their purchase of this fine colt!

Killian’s Irish Red

Killian’s Irish Red ADHA Registered Drum Horse $15,000.00 – Sold Updates: Killian participated in the Feathered Horse Classic in Georgia. He took Reserve Champion Drum Horse Stallion. ๐Ÿ™‚ Killian participated in his first show at the Annual Gypsy and Drum Horse Classic in Kentucky. He took Third place in the Stallion Class (against mature Stallions).
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